There are 65 cmavo of selma'o BAI, of which all but one (“do'e”, discussed in Section 6), are derived directly from selected gismu. Of these 64 cmavo, 36 are entirely regular and have the form CV'V, where C is the first consonant of the corresponding gismu, and the Vs are the two vowels of the gismu. The remaining BAI cmavo, which are irregular in one way or another, are listed in the table below. The table is divided into sub-tables according to the nature of the exception; some cmavo appear in more than one sub-table, and are so noted.
cmavo gismu comments Monosyllables of the form CVV: bai bapli bau bangu cau claxu fau fasnu gau gasnu kai ckaji uses 2nd consonant of gismu mau zmadu uses 2nd consonant of gismu koi korbi rai traji uses 2nd consonant of gismu sau sarcu tai tamsmi based on lujvo, not gismu zau zanru Second consonant of the gismu as the C: (the gismu is always of the form CCVCV) ga'a zgana kai ckaji has CVV form (monosyllable) ki'i ckini la'u klani has irregular 2nd V le'a klesi has irregular 2nd V mau zmadu has CVV form (monosyllable) me'e cmene ra'a srana ra'i krasi rai traji has CVV form (monosyllable) ti'i stidi tu'i stuzi Irregular 2nd V: fi'e finti la'u klani uses 2nd consonant of gismu le'a klesi uses 2nd consonant of gismu ma'e marji mu'u mupli ti'u tcika va'o vanbi Special cases: ri'i lifri uses 3rd consonant of gismu tai tamsmi based on lujvo, not gismu va'u xamgu CV'V cmavo can’t begin with “x”