26. Table of MOI cmavo, with associated rafsi and place structures

    mei     x1 is a mass formed from a set x2 of n members, one or more of
            which is/are x3, [measured relative to the set x4/by standard x4]
    rafsi:  mem, mei

    moi     x1 is the (n)th member of set x2 when ordered by rule x3
            [by standard x4]
    rafsi:  mom, moi

    si'e    x1 is an (n)th portion of mass x2 [by standard x3]
    rafsi:  none

    cu'o    event x1 has probability (n) of occurring under conditions x2
            [by standard x3]
    rafsi:  cu'o (borrowed from cunso; see Section 20)

    va'e    x1 is at scale position (n) on the scale x2
            [by standard x3]
    rafsi:  none