The Lojban Reference Grammar
This version corresponds to the printed first edition of
The Complete Lojban Language
by John Woldemar Cowan
ISBN 0-9660283-0-9
Copyright © 1997 by The Logical Language Group, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
. A complete list of changes from the online draft version can be found
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Lojban As We Mangle It In Lojbanistan: About This Book
What is Lojban?
What is this book?
What are the typographical conventions of this book?
Acknowledgements and Credits
Informal Bibliography
Captions to Pictures
Boring Legalities
A Quick Tour of Lojban Grammar, With Diagrams
The concept of the bridi
Words that can act as sumti
Some words used to indicate selbri relations
Some simple Lojban bridi
Variant bridi structure
Varying the order of sumti
The basic structure of longer utterances
Description sumti
Examples of brivla
The sumti “di'u” and “la'e di'u”
Vocatives and commands
Lojban grammatical terms
The Hills Are Alive With The Sounds Of Lojban
Basic Phonetics
The Special Lojban Characters
Diphthongs and Syllabic Consonants
Vowel Pairs
Consonant Clusters
Initial Consonant Pairs
Buffering Of Consonant Clusters
Syllabication And Stress
IPA For English Speakers
English Analogues For Lojban Diphthongs
Oddball Orthographies
The Shape Of Words To Come: Lojban Morphology
Rules for inserting pauses
Considerations for making lujvo
The lujvo-making algorithm
The lujvo scoring algorithm
lujvo-making examples
The gismu creation algorithm
Cultural and other non-algorithmic gismu
rafsi fu'ivla: a proposal
“Pretty Little Girls’ School”: The Structure Of Lojban selbri
Lojban content words: brivla
Simple tanru
Three-part tanru grouping with “bo”
Complex tanru grouping
Complex tanru with “ke” and “ke'e”
Logical connection within tanru
Linked sumti: “be–bei–be'o”
Inversion of tanru: “co”
Other kinds of simple selbri
selbri based on sumti: “me”
Conversion of simple selbri
Scalar negation of selbri
Tenses and bridi negation
Some types of asymmetrical tanru
Some types of symmetrical tanru
“Pretty little girls’ school”: forty ways to say it
To Speak Of Many Things: The Lojban sumti
The five kinds of simple sumti
The three basic description types
Individuals and masses
Masses and sets
Descriptors for typical objects
Quantified sumti
Quantified descriptions
Indefinite descriptions
sumti-based descriptions
sumti qualifiers
The syntax of vocative phrases
Lojban names
Pro-sumti summary
Quotation summary
Number summary
Brevity Is The Soul Of Language: Pro-sumti And Pro-bridi
What are pro-sumti and pro-bridi? What are they for?
Personal pro-sumti: the mi-series
Demonstrative pro-sumti: the ti-series
Utterance pro-sumti: the di'u-series
Assignable pro-sumti and pro-bridi: the ko'a-series and the broda-series
Anaphoric pro-sumti and pro-bridi: the ri-series and the go'i-series
Indefinite pro-sumti and pro-bridi: the zo'e-series and the co'e-series
Reflexive and reciprocal pro-sumti: the vo'a-series
sumti and bridi questions: “ma” and “mo”
Relativized pro-sumti: “ke'a”
Abstraction focus pro-sumti: “ce'u”
Bound variable pro-sumti and pro-bridi: the da-series and the bu'a-series
Pro-sumti and pro-bridi cancelling
The identity predicate: du
lujvo based on pro-sumti
KOhA cmavo by series
GOhA and other pro-bridi by series
Other cmavo discussed in this chapter
Relative Clauses, Which Make sumti Even More Complicated
What are you pointing at?
Incidental relative clauses
Relative phrases
Multiple relative clauses: “zi'e”
Non-veridical relative clauses: “voi”
Relative clauses and descriptors
Possessive sumti
Relative clauses and complex sumti: “vu'o”
Relative clauses in vocative phrases
Relative clauses within relative clauses
Index of relative clause cmavo
To Boston Via The Road Go I, With An Excursion Into The Land Of Modals
Standard bridi form: “cu”
Tagging places: FA
Conversion: SE
Modal places: FIhO, FEhU
Modal tags: BAI
Modal sentence connection: the causals
Other modal connections
Modal selbri
Modal relative phrases; Comparison
Mixed modal connection
Modal conversion: JAI
Modal negation
Sticky modals
Logical and non-logical connection of modals
CV’V cmavo of selma'o BAI with irregular forms
Complete table of BAI cmavo with rough English equivalents
Imaginary Journeys: The Lojban Space/Time Tense System
Spatial tenses: FAhA and VA
Compound spatial tenses
Temporal tenses: PU and ZI
Interval sizes: VEhA and ZEhA
Vague intervals and non-specific tenses
Dimensionality: VIhA
Movement in space: MOhI
Interval properties: TAhE and “roi”
Event contours: ZAhO and “re'u”
Space interval modifiers: FEhE
Tenses as sumti tcita
Sticky and multiple tenses: KI
Story time
Tenses in subordinate bridi
Tense relations between sentences
Tensed logical connectives
Tense negation
Actuality, potentiality, capability: CAhA
Logical and non-logical connections between tenses
Conversion of sumti tcita: JAI
Tenses versus modals
Tense questions: “cu'e”
Explicit magnitudes
Finally (an exercise for the much-tried reader)
Summary of tense selma'o
List of spatial directions and direction-like relations
Events, Qualities, Quantities, And Other Vague Words: On Lojban Abstraction
The syntax of abstraction
Event abstraction
Types of event abstractions
Property abstractions
Amount abstractions
Truth-value abstraction: “jei”
Predication/sentence abstraction
Indirect questions
Minor abstraction types
Lojban sumti raising
Event-type abstractors and event contour tenses
Abstractor connection
Table of abstractors
Dog House And White House: Determining lujvo Place Structures
Why have lujvo?
The meaning of tanru: a necessary detour
The meaning of lujvo
Selecting places
Symmetrical and asymmetrical lujvo
Dependent places
Ordering lujvo places.
lujvo with more than two parts.
Eliding SE rafsi from seltau
Eliding SE rafsi from tertau
Eliding KE and KEhE rafsi from lujvo
Abstract lujvo
Implicit-abstraction lujvo
Anomalous lujvo
Comparatives and superlatives
Notes on gismu place structures
Oooh! Arrgh! Ugh! Yecch! Attitudinal and Emotional Indicators
What are attitudinal indicators?
Pure emotion indicators
Propositional attitude indicators
Attitudes as scales
The space of emotions
Emotional categories
Attitudinal modifiers
Compound indicators
The uses of indicators
Attitude questions; empathy; attitude contours
Miscellaneous indicators
Vocative scales
A sample dialogue
Tentative conclusion
If Wishes Were Horses: The Lojban Connective System
Logical connection and truth tables
The Four basic vowels
The six types of logical connectives
Logical connection of bridi
Forethought bridi connection
sumti connection
More than two propositions
Grouping of afterthought connectives
Compound bridi
Multiple compound bridi
Termset logical connection
Logical connection within tanru
Truth questions and connective questions
Non-logical connectives
More about non-logical connectives
Interval connectives and forethought non-logical connection
Logical and non-logical connectives within mekso
Tenses, modals, and logical connection
Abstractor connection and connection within abstractions
Constructs and appropriate connectives
Truth functions and corresponding logical connectives
Rules for making logical and non-logical connectives
Locations of other tables
“No” Problems: On Lojban Negation
bridi negation
Scalar Negation
selbri and tanru negation
Expressing scales in selbri negation
sumti negation
Negation of minor grammatical constructs
Truth questions
Metalinguistic negation forms
Summary — Are All Possible Questions About Negation Now Answered?
“Who Did You Pass On The Road? Nobody”: Lojban And Logic
What’s wrong with this picture?
Existential claims, prenexes, and variables
Universal claims
Restricted claims: “da poi”
Dropping the prenex
Variables with generalized quantifiers
Grouping of quantifiers
The problem of “any”
Negation boundaries
bridi negation and logical connectives
Using “naku” outside a prenex
Logical Connectives and DeMorgan’s Law
selbri variables
A few notes on variables
As Easy As A-B-C? The Lojban Letteral System And Its Uses
What’s a letteral, anyway?
A to Z in Lojban, plus one
Upper and lower cases
The universal “bu”
Alien alphabets
Accent marks and compound lerfu words
Punctuation marks
What about Chinese characters?
lerfu words as pro-sumti
References to lerfu
Mathematical uses of lerfu strings
Computerized character codes
List of all auxiliary lerfu-word cmavo
Proposed lerfu words — introduction
Proposed lerfu words for the Greek alphabet
Proposed lerfu words for the Cyrillic alphabet
Proposed lerfu words for the Hebrew alphabet
Proposed lerfu words for some accent marks and multiple letters
Proposed lerfu words for radio communication
lojbau mekso: Mathematical Expressions in Lojban
Lojban numbers
Signs and numerical punctuation
Special numbers
Simple infix expressions and equations
Forethought operators (Polish notation, functions)
Other useful selbri for mekso bridi
Indefinite numbers
Approximation and inexact numbers
Non-decimal and compound bases
Special mekso selbri
Number questions
Infix operators revisited
Vectors and matrices
Reverse Polish notation
Logical and non-logical connectives within mekso
Using Lojban resources within mekso
Other uses of mekso
Explicit operator precedence
Four score and seven: a mekso problem
mekso selma'o summary
Complete table of VUhU cmavo, with operand structures
Complete table of PA cmavo: digits, punctuation, and other numbers.
Table of MOI cmavo, with associated rafsi and place structures
Putting It All Together: Notes on the Structure of Lojban Texts
Sentences: I
Paragraphs: NIhO
Topic-comment sentences: ZOhU
Questions and answers
Subscripts: XI
Utterance ordinals: MAI
Attitude scope markers: FUhE/FUhO
Quotations: LU, LIhU, LOhU, LEhU
More on quotations: ZO, ZOI
Contrastive emphasis: BAhE
Parenthesis and metalinguistic commentary: TO, TOI, SEI
Erasure: SI, SA, SU
Hesitation: Y
No more to say: FAhO
List of cmavo interactions
List of Elidable Terminators
A Catalogue of selma'o
Formal Grammars
YACC Grammar of Lojban
EBNF Grammar of Lojban
EBNF Cross-Reference