17. Complete table of BAI cmavo with rough English equivalents

The following table shows all the cmavo belonging to selma'o BAI, and has five columns. The first column is the cmavo itself; the second column is the gismu linked to it. The third column gives an English phrase which indicates the meaning of the cmavo; and the fourth column indicates its meaning when preceded by “se”.

For those cmavo with meaningful “te”, “ve”, and even “xe” conversions (depending on the number of places of the underlying gismu), the meanings of these are shown on one or two extra rows following the primary row for that cmavo.

It should be emphasized that the place structures of the gismu control the meanings of the BAI cmavo. The English phrases shown here are only suggestive, and are often too broad or too narrow to correctly specify what the acceptable range of uses for the modal tag are.

    ba'i    basti   replaced by                    instead of
    bai     bapli   compelled by                   compelling
    bau     bangu   in language                    in language of
    be'i    benji   sent by                        transmitting
                    te=sent to                     ve=with transmit origin
                    xe=transmitted via
    ca'i    catni   by authority of                with authority over
    cau     claxu   lacked by                      without
    ci'e    ciste   in system                      with system function
                    te=of system components
    ci'o    cinmo   felt by                        feeling emotion
    ci'u    ckilu   on the scale                   on scale measuring
    cu'u    cusku   as said by                     expressing
                    te=as told to                  ve=expressed in medium
    de'i    detri   dated                          on the same date as
    di'o    diklo   at the locus of                at specific locus
    do'e    -----   vaguely related to
    du'i    dunli   as much as                     equal to
    du'o    djuno   according to                   knowing facts
                    te=knowing about
                    ve=under epistemology
    fa'e    fatne   reverse of                     in reversal of
    fau     fasnu   in the event of
    fi'e    finti   created by                     creating work
                    te=created                     for purpose
    ga'a    zgana   to observer                    observing
                    te=observed                    by means
                    ve=observed under conditions
    gau     gasnu   with agent                     as agent in doing
    ja'e    jalge   resulting in                   results because of
    ja'i    javni   by rule                        by rule prescribing
    ji'e    jimte   up to limit                    as a limit of
    ji'o    jitro   under direction                controlling
    ji'u    jicmu   based on                       supporting
    ka'a    klama   gone to by                     with destination
                    te=with origin                 ve=via route
                    xe=by transport mode
    ka'i    krati   represented by                 on behalf of
    kai     ckaji   characterizing                 with property
    ki'i    ckini   as relation of                 related to
                    te=with relation
    ki'u    krinu   justified by                   with justified result
    koi     korbi   bounded by                     as boundary of
    ku'u    kulnu   in culture                     in culture of
    la'u    klani   as quantity of                 in quantity
    le'a    klesi   in category                    as category of
                    te=defined by quality
    li'e    lidne   led by                         leading
    ma'e    marji   of material                    made from material
                    te=in material form of
    ma'i    manri   in reference frame             as a standard for
    mau     zmadu   exceeded by                    more than
    me'a    mleca   undercut by                    less than
    me'e    cmene   with name                      as a name for
                    te=as a name to
    mu'i    mukti   motivated by                   motive therefore
    mu'u    mupli   exemplified by                 as an example of
    ni'i    nibli   entailed by                    entails
    pa'a    panra   in addition to                 similar to
                    te=similar in pattern
                    ve=similar by standard
    pa'u    pagbu   with component                 as a part of
    pi'o    pilno   used by                        using tool
    po'i    porsi   in the sequence                sequenced by rule
    pu'a    pluka   pleased by                     in order to please
    pu'e    pruce   by process                     processing from
                    te=processing into
                    ve=passing through stages
    ra'a    srana   pertained to by concerning
    ra'i    krasi   from source as an origin of
    rai     traji   with superlative               superlative in
                    te=at extreme                  ve=superlative among
    ri'a    rinka   caused by                      causing
    ri'i    lifri   experienced by                 experiencing
    sau     sarcu   requiring                      necessarily for
                    te=necessarily under conditions
    si'u    sidju   aided by                       assisting in
    ta'i    tadji   by method                      as a method for
    tai     tamsmi  as a form of                   in form
                    te=in form similar to
    ti'i    stidi   suggested by                   suggesting
                    te=suggested to
    ti'u    tcika   with time                      at the time of
    tu'i    stuzi   with site                      as location of
    va'o    vanbi   under conditions               as conditions for
    va'u    xamgu   benefiting from                with beneficiary
    zau     zanru   approved by                    approving
    zu'e    zukte   with actor                     with means to goal
                    te=with goal

The lujvo “tamsmi” on which “tai” is based is derived from the tanru “tarmi simsa” and has the place structure:

       tamsmi: x1 has form x2, similar in form to x3 in property/quality x4
This lujvo is employed because “tarmi” does not have a place structure useful for the modal’s purpose.