The operand structures specify what various operands (labeled a, b, c, ...) mean. The implied context is forethought, since only forethought operators can have a variable number of operands; however, the same rules apply to infix and RP uses of VUhU.
su'i plus (((a + b) + c) + ...) pi'i times (((a × b) × c) × ...) vu'u minus (((a − b) − c) − ...) fe'i divided by (((a / b) / c) / ...) ju'u number base numeral string “a” interpreted in the base b pa'i ratio the ratio of a to b, a:b fa'i reciprocal of/multiplicative inverse 1 / a gei scientific notation b × (c [default 10] to the a power) ge'a null operator (no operands) de'o logarithm log a to base b (default 10 or e as appropriate) te'a to the power/exponential a to the b power fe'a nth root of/inverse power bth root of a (default square root: b = 2) cu'a absolute value/norm | a | ne'o factorial a! pi'a matrix row vector combiner (all operands are row vectors) sa'i matrix column vector combiner (all operands are column vectors) ri'o integral integral of a with respect to b over range c sa'o derivative derivative of a with respect to b of degree c (default 1) fu'u non-specific operator (variable) si'i sigma (Σ) summation summation of a using variable b over range c va'a negation of/additive inverse -a re'a matrix transpose/dual a*